Premier Akeeagok assigns new Cabinet portfolios

Iqaluit, Nunavut (June 4, 2024) – Today, Premier P.J. Akeeagok announced changes to Nunavut’s Executive Council after Karen Nutarak resigned from Cabinet on June 4, 2024, due to personal and family reasons.

“I want to thank Karen Nutarak for her service as Minister of Justice and Minister responsible for Nunavut Arctic College, as she brought new energy and dynamism to our team,” stated premier P.J. Akeeagok. “I wish Ms. Nutarak the best in her future endeavours and look forward to seeing her at the Legislative Assembly as she continues to serve the constituency of Tununiq.”

Premier Akeeagok assigned the following new Cabinet portfolios effective June 4, 2024:

Minister Pamela Hakongak Gross remains Deputy Premier and Minister of Education, with the added responsibility of Minister of Human Resources and Minister responsible for the Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission.

Minister David Akeeagok remains Minister of Economic Development and Transportation and will take on the responsibilities of Minister of Justice, Minister responsible for Labour and Minister responsible for the Human Rights Tribunal.

Minister Margaret Nakashuk remains the Minister of Family Services, Minister responsible for Homelessness, Minister responsible for Status of Women, and Minister responsible for Poverty Reduction, and will take on the added role of Minister responsible for the Nunavut Arctic College.

A full list of Cabinet portfolios is appended to this release.


Nunavut Cabinet Portfolios

Hon. P.J. Akeeagok, Premier
Minister of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs
Minister of Indigenous Affairs
Minister responsible for Immigration
Minister responsible for the Utility Rates Review Council
Minister responsible for Seniors

Hon. Pamela Gross, Deputy Premier
Minister of Education
Minister of Human Resources
Minister responsible for the Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission

Hon. Lorne Kusugak
Minister of Finance
Minister responsible for the Nunavut Housing Corporation
Minister responsible for the Nunavut Liquor and Cannabis Commission
Minister responsible for the Nunavut Liquor and Cannabis Board

Hon. David Akeeagok
Minister of Justice
Minister responsible for Labour
Minister responsible for Human Rights Tribunal
Minister of Economic Development and Transportation
Minister responsible for Nunavut Business Credit Corporation
Minister responsible for Nunavut Development Corporation
Minister responsible for Trade
Minister responsible for Mines

Hon. David Joanasie, Government House Leader
Minister of Community and Government Services

Hon. John Main
Minister of Health
Minister responsible for Suicide Prevention
Minister responsible for Qulliq Energy Corporation

Hon. Margaret Nakashuk
Minister of Family Services
Minister responsible for Nunavut Arctic College
Minister responsible for Homelessness
Minister responsible for Status of Women
Minister responsible for Poverty Reduction

Hon. Daniel Qavvik
Minister of Environment
Minister responsible for Energy
Minister of Culture and Heritage
Minister responsible for Language