News releases

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Council of Federation Literacy Award. Premier P.J. Akeeagok is accepting applications to recognize an individual who supports, encourages, and shares ways to strengthen literacy skills in Nunavut. The 2022 Nunavut Council of the Federation Literacy Award will be awarded to an individual who supports and inspires others to use Inuktut and develop their literacy skills – oral, written or through artistic expression. Nominate someone who has gone above and beyond to support and encourage others to develop their literacy skills. It could be a student, a… read more.
25 March 2022 News Release GN and NTI achieve another milestone in cooperation through signing of new Partnership Declaration Cambridge Bay, Nunavut (March 25, 2022) – Today, Nunavut Premier P.J. Akeeagok and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) President Aluki Kotierk signed a declaration to formalize the working relationship between the Government of Nunavut (GN) and NTI through the creation of the Nunavut Partnership Committee. “I am pleased to take another step towards our ongoing efforts to strengthen the Government of Nunavut’s working relations with NTI,” says Premier Akeeagok. “This… read more.
Canada’s North is warming up three to four times faster than the global average. We are witness to the ways climate change has and continues to significantly impact our communities, the natural environment and the wellbeing of our residents. Action on climate change is a key priority for northern leaders and we call on the federal government to increase its investments in climate change adaptation and clean energy across the territories. We also call upon the federal government to recognize the importance of reconciliation through climate change actions by supporting Indigenous-led approaches… read more.
WHITEHORSE, YUKON (May 9, 2022) – As Chair of the Northern Premiers’ Forum, Premier Silver welcomed Premier Cochrane and Premier Akeeagok to the Yukon for their first in-person meeting of Northern Premiers in over two years. While enthusiastic about meeting face to face, Premiers continue to urge appropriate caution with COVID-19, asking Northerners to assess the risk before gatherings so they help protect themselves and others. Premiers discussed a number of important priorities, including Arctic security, climate change, housing, healthcare and public safety. Premiers are committed to a… read more.
Iqaluit, Nunavut (April 25, 2022) – Today, Baker Lake Member of the Legislative Assembly, Craig Simailak was assigned his portfolios. Effective May 5, 2022, he will be Minister of Justice and Minister responsible for the Qulliq Energy Corporation. “I welcome Minister Simailak to our Cabinet,” said Premier P.J. Akeeagok, “As a second term MLA and former municipal politician, Minister Simailak brings a great deal of experience to our team.” Minister Simailak was sworn in on Friday April 22, following the April 20 Leadership Forum where he was elected to the Cabinet. A full list of Cabinet… read more.
Iqaluit, Nunavut (April 6, 2022) – John Main, Minister of Health, today announced that the government of Nunavut will be lifting the Public Health Emergency, effective April 11. As a result, all remaining public health restrictions across Nunavut are suspended. “For the past two years, Nunavummiut have had to make many sacrifices to protect our communities from the harms of COVID-19. Today, we have learned much about this virus and have the tools, such as testing options and vaccines to help reduce the risk,” said Minister Main. “In consultation with Nunavut’s Chief Public Health Officer (… read more.
01 April 2022 News release Government of Canada invests in sustainable water infrastructure for Iqaluit Iqaluit, Nunavut, April 1st, 2022— Reliable infrastructure is key to building stronger communities. Significant weather-related disasters triggered by climate change can pose a serious threat to health and safety of Canadians, create interruptions in essential services, and cause significant disruptions to local economies. In the North, the effects of a melting permafrost and severe and frequent droughts are having a major impact on communities and residents. As an increasing number of… read more.
01 April 2022 Statement Premier Akeeagok on Pope’s Residential School Apology Nunavut’s Premier, P.J. Akeeagok, today released the following statement: “I was encouraged to hear his Holiness Pope Francis’ apology to the First Nations, Inuit and Metis delegates for the conduct of some members of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada’s residential schools. What occurred in Canada’s residential schools at the hands of members of the church and educators is nothing short but systemic cultural genocide. No words can erase the impact of the abuse endured by Inuit families, especially the… read more.
28 March 2022 News Release GN services impacted by fire in Gjoa Haven Iqaluit, Nunavut (March 28, 2022) – Today, Minister of Community and Government Services David Joanasie responds to the loss of the NCC building due to a fire on March 26, 2022, which housed several Government of Nunavut (GN) services in Gjoa Haven. “Over the weekend, a fire in Gjoa Haven destroyed a government building and its contents,” said Minister Joanasie. “The NCC building was a telecommunications hub within the community and served as an office space for employees of several GN departments. I want to extend… read more.
28 March 2022 News Release Minister Lightstone relinquishes portfolios Iqaluit, Nunavut (March 28, 2022) – Today, Minister of Finance and Human Resources Adam Lightstone will be stepping aside from his portfolios effective immediately following the release of the Report of the Integrity Commissioner of Nunavut to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Concerning the Possible Conflict of Interest Respecting the Appointment of the Acting Deputy Minister of Human Resources. On March 8, 2022, Premier Akeeagok informed the House that he would be seeking the advice of the Integrity… read more.