Premier Akeeagok announces appointment of new QEC president & CEO

Iqaluit, Nunavut (May 17, 2024) – Premier P.J. Akeeagok today announced the appointment of a new president and chief executive officer (CEO) for the Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC), effective Tuesday, May 21.

Ernest Douglas joins QEC after 14 years as a leader with Eastward Energy in Nova Scotia, including six with parent company TriSummit Utilities, and almost two decades in the energy sector. In those years, Mr. Douglas brought a forward-thinking commitment to the well-being of people and the environment.

“I am pleased to appoint Mr. Ernest Douglas to the role of president and CEO for the Qulliq Energy Corporation. Mr. Douglas has a demonstrated record in leadership positions, including in relationship building. His expertise will help drive QEC forward in the coming years,” stated Premier Akeeagok.

Mr. Douglas’s appointment comes after former president and CEO Rick Hunt was appointed as the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission’s first Nunavut-based president and CEO. QEC vice-president of operations and engineering Bill Nippard has been acting in the role since October 2023.

“I want to thank Mr. Rick Hunt for his years of service to QEC, as well as Mr. Bill Nippard for stepping in as interim president,” stated Premier Akeeagok.